Aug 4, 2021Liked by Bunsuke

Recording grammar:

(F[にも]電話がある)のに - (F [also] had a phone) so

(野郎感づく)と(遁がしちまう) here the と is conditional, (遁がしちまう) is consequence of (野郎感づく)

警察へちょっと… relies on context - briefly {to make a call} to the police

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Aug 3, 2021Liked by Bunsuke

わかすぎs【若 || 杉椙】

kanjis w/ わか.い readings I found three:『若』young,『夭』early death, 『嫩』weakly young

Easy to see why the latter ones aren't used for names.

As for the cedar tree its wood is very 'splintery' and its abundant pollen discharge makes the air 'bright':



『go || shield』 or 『leave || protection』

s/t like 'evasion' probably. It's an oldie, but a goodie; some fun ninja vocabulary w/ this kanji: 隠遁術、水遁の術…


in some way, by some chance


is s/t wrong?

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