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【豊樋 || 島嶋嶌】

both とよ and しま have little variation. とよ most likely will be 豊 and しま 島, occasionally moving the mountain around.

近江 おうみ…

↳近 as you get closer,

  things get おう and おお

↳江 bay or inlet, both 身 of water

I knew of the lute and this lake, but never seen the name written. It does look like a lute.

辺り、あたり neighbourhood, area🏘️

辺、ほとり  side, banks, edge🌊


I'm guessing that these are read w/ 訓. They're not really words but nicknames, 音 wouldn't make sense

顔丸 かおまる

顔長 かおなが

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