Jun 21, 2021Liked by Bunsuke

Is that supposed to be ことがある at the end? Forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong...

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挙動 was the word that caught my eye.

In a quick search it appears quite often in this construction 挙動不審 (acting strange or suspiciously). Im gonna try to disentangle similar meaning words around behaviour/conduct that are a bit jumbled up in mind.

行動、振る舞い behaviour, conduct

I don't understand well enough yet when to pick either.

挙動 an unnerving or suspicious b/c

仕草 a gesture, or pose

行儀 manners, polite conduct

習性 a learned behaviour or habit

動作 movements, operation: how one walks, works, etc.

真似 behaving like s/b else, mimicry

態度 attitude, bearing. conduct expresing personality or intention.

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