Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

P 210/211


You crawled out of my garden. Unlocked my door without permission and came inside my house. I think this house can also be her body that the monster entered without permission.

お前 の 存在 は もう すっかり ぜんぶ 終わってしまったのよ 。 すると その うち に 目 も 虚空 の 中 に 消えて なくなり 、 夜 の 闇 が 音 も なく 部屋 に 満ちてきた。

Your existence is over, finished done. Soon the eyes dissolved into emptiness, and the room filled with darkness of the night, or something like that, I think this feels like justice for whatever the monster did to her, but I wondered whether she is truly free from her past traumatic memories. Will the monster return? The fact that there is darkness and no light, as one would expect, makes me think she isn’t free of the images of her past. Her feeling of emptiness is that the feeling that arose because she lost an old friend, who wasn’t a friend at all, but whom she trusted and who violated her?

Hereby the short wordlist:


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I agree that she might be working through some emotional trauma, of which the monster is a physical (or even just mental) representation.

Solid worklist, great job! Congrats on finishing the story!

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Once again thank so much. I'm so glad I was able to finish it. So much that I just want to continue to read more and more.

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