Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

I liked the beginning images of the first sentences on P436 about the weak grass and Kimura planting the grass. And the end sentences about the images of the rainbow. This sentence wasn’t clear to me, but does Kimura have a secret? 木村は恥就の酥滞戦批なんぞを買っで来で調ぺであたが、中に心鐵鰍の知れないものが出来て来た。Is there a darker side of him we don’t yet know? Or did I completely misunderstood? I don’t understand what’s going on between the shopkeeper Kimura with the buying of the hat? It seems strange and a strange discussion, or maybe it’s just me. Or maybe it’s something totally different, the bit about the wife and fashion I somehow missed, but thanks to the comments you think I understand this now. The wordlist is much less, because many of the same words are repeated, here is the link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PmbOxFVgVBcWFfsgV_cCwlzjssMO49aS/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102772733310968467199&rtpof=true&sd=true

Love to hear your comments, because these pages were hard for me. Look forward to the zoom on Sunday.

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The sentence you quoted means that because of the changing times the availability of the types of flowers has shifted from domestic to Western varieties, but Kimura is unable to identify them. This is why he wants to go to the botanical garden, to look at the signs and identify the plants that grow in his own garden.

The conversation with the shopkeeper is all about Kimura holding on to his own fashion sense, even though the shopkeeper is trying to convince him that the hat he wants is not for him. I think the scene serves to emphasize Kimura's inability to relativize his own social position.

Thanks again for the wordlist!!

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

Your welcome. I see, now the importance of the hat becomes clear, indeed in past times this was an important indication of social position. Thank you for the explanation. In English this is very clear, in Japanese, well so much harder for me to understand.

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Mar 12, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

Hey Bunsuke - I'm not giving up ! Weed vocabulary aside, I was wondering about the exact meaning of this sentence (p. 437, 4th column from left) :


I understand the part before the coma, but I'm confused about "まだ忘れない人達" here. I'm getting : "The people who haven't forgotten about wearing a summer hat to shield them from sunlight are still wearing one. " What does that really mean ?

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Wow fantastic to see you're still at it! The sentence means something along the lines of: 'I'm glad to see that there are still some people who wear a summer hat for its intended purpose, namely to block the sun (in contrast to all those people who just want to get with times and chase the latest fads and fashions).

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

I'm glad that Kimura liked the hat but I'm not sure his wife will... :D and I loved the way he found the reason to buy the hat he wanted to but wasn't supposed to - 'かう見えて己も労働しているのだ' :D I wonder tho if he was talking about his job or about his whole life... And his interaction with the shopkeeper showed the social inequality which existed in Japan at that time, that was interesting. I know that in many countries such phenomenon also existed, when certain social classes of people were supposed to wear certain kinds of clothes. As for the language, this part was one of the easiest ones, despite the names of the flowers ^^

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Hi Elena, it's so impressive that you're already used to the language, this story is quite difficult! Haha yes, I'm pretty sure his wife will hate the hat, although we'll never find out...And it's funny to see how Kimura sticks to his guns, even though the shopkeeper tries to dissuade Kimura because the hat he used to wear no longer is worn by people of his standing. Kimura thinks he is performing 労働, but of course, he is a man who has never done a day of physical labor in his life. Hope you'll enjoy the final pages, you've already read more than half! Great job :)

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

Thanks for always being so supportive! It is very motivating! ^^

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You're welcome! Although, I'm just here to support; you are the one doing all the hard work!

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deletedMar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022Liked by Bunsuke
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Hi Koppa thanks for letting me know, I just published it again, could you check if it works now?

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Mar 5, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

Yes, it works, thank you, I got a bit worried, but I'm glad it's all right now.

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