Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

I guess those critics' words must have really got to Kimura since he worries even about what they'll think of his hat...

Tha part with the flowers was challenging because I have no idea what those flowers are called in my mother tongue ^^" Had to google the pictures :D And do I understand correctly that '草花を造っている' = '草花を育っている' ?

As for Kimura's wife, I can't identify with her at all because I don't care about fashion, to me looking clean and neat is enough :) And if I got it right and she told him to buy a hat using the money he (they?) had wanted to save, then I def can't identify with her :D

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Haha so perhaps we should side with Kimura for not giving in to the latest fads and fashions!

Yeah plant names are a challenge. Maybe the illustrations at the bottom of the page can also help you out a bit.

You're correct about 造る, although here I would use the transitive 育てる.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

Good golly. My inability to care even the tiniest bit for botanics is once again catching up with me in this segment. Anyway.

I had trouble on page 434, column 7 from the right, with ...婦人がらなくてもいいよ。 I see the "てもいい" (no need to ...) pattern but can't understand what comes after 婦人. is this がる as in 欲しがる ? I'm lost. Help :)

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or 'acting like…' 〜のように振る舞う

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Hi Jon, haha you can gloss over the plants, they're not hugely significant. The がる here means 'pretending to be…'. Hope this helps!

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Mar 3, 2022Liked by Bunsuke

Kimura's wife doesn't need to be so kind? I'm not really sure. Anyway as usual here is the link to my wordlist and I look forward to the zoom on Sunday. Reading all your comments is so helpful in gaining an understanding of the story. I really start to dislike Kimura, but don't really know why.


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Thanks for sharing Koppa! Haha I have a love/hate relationship w Kimura as well. It's hard to tell whether you should ridicule him or praise him for his unwavering adherence to his own beliefs.

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