From 田山花袋「赤い鳥居」
展覧会 てんらんかい exhibition
油絵 あぶらえ oil painting
松林 まつばやし pine forest
甍 いらか roof tile
祠 ほこら shrine
恋心 こいごころ crush, budding love
打明ける うちあける to reveal, to confess
跪く ひざまずく to kneel
愕然(とする)がくぜん to be in shock
Shizuo noticed the small red torii. He wasn’t sure why it stood out to him. Perhaps because the scene resembled an oil painting by some unknown artist he had once seen at a small exhibition. Perhaps that’s what caught his eye. Or maybe it was because below the pine forest and the river, he saw the roof tiles of her town. Or perhaps it was because, one day, overcome by the thought of her, he had come to this very place to press his hands together in prayer before the shrine. He recalled how, at one time, he had woken up in shock from a dream in which, under this small torii, he had fallen to his knees and sobbingly confessed his love to her, a love he had kept a secret for three years. He remembered how the tears in his dream had apparently been real, for when he woke up, his pillow was slightly damp.