From 宮本百合子「若き時代の道」
立身出世 りっしんしゅっせ advancement, success
対比 たいひ contrast
殆ど ほとんど almost completely
尠い すくない little, few (usually 少ない)
明暮 あけくれ daily routine, one’s day-to-day
境遇 きょうぐう one’s circumstances, one’s life situation
追究する ついきゅうする to chase, to pursue
Surely, we all realize that the success of the past, when Japanese capitalism was at its height, no longer exists today. The fact that we are dissatisfied with the present, in vague contrast to that which is now no longer here, is because we still desperately cling to this old notion of success. The path to a normal human life is almost completely closed off to us. Yet, as long as we live and breathe, we are human. As such, our lives are not exempt from human desire. The less humane our daily existence, the more our hearts are forced to burn in our desire for it. In our ordinary daily lives as citizens, amidst the seemingly meaningless routine of the salaryman, surely, the essence of our existence is to pursue this desire to the extent that our circumstances allow it in the moment.