It’s the one foundational skill that strikes fear in the heart of every Japanese language learner: verbs and their conjugations. An inability to parse a verb can completely throw you off when interpreting a sentence or when trying to figure out who is doing what in a story. Yet, making sense of verbs on your own, even when referring to standardized textbooks or online resources, can sometimes feel like a confusing and discouraging experience.
If this sounds familiar: trust me, you’re not alone! Even during my lessons with more advanced students I’ve noticed that learners have trouble grasping the deeper mechanics of verbs. Over the past year, I’ve helped many of my students feel more confident about their understanding of verb conjugations, and, in turn, enabled them to actually enjoy the experience of reading in Japanese.
In order to help a greater number of you, I’ve created a Verbs Masterclass. In this one-off, information-packed, two-and-a-half hour masterclass, I teach you everything you need to know about verbs: how to conjugate them, how to use them in a sentence and with which particles, and how to recognize and break down even the most complicated verb forms using real-world examples and hands-on exercises.
To make the masterclass accessible for learners of all levels, I use both romaji and kanji with furigana in all my PowerPoint slides, as well as in the pdf handouts containing overviews and exercises to help you practice what you’ve learned.
This interactive masterclass will take place on Sunday 24 November at 3:00-5:30 pm Central European Time on Zoom and is open to just 10 students in total, so make sure to secure your spot in one of the following tiers as soon as possible! (NOTE: I am sending this message while still on CEST, but the masterclass will take place while on CET, so take this into account when calculating time differences.)
Tier 1 (€149,-)
One of 10 spots in the Verbs Masterclass (2 hour lecture + 30 minute Q&A).
Access to all PowerPoint slides, pdf overviews and exercises with answer keys.
Tier 2 (€199,-)
One of 10 spots in the Verbs Masterclass (2 hour lecture + 30 minute Q&A).
Access to all PowerPoint slides, pdf overviews and exercises with answer keys.
Access to a recording of the masterclass (30 days).
Tier 3 (€299,-)
One of 10 spots in the Verbs Masterclass (2 hour lecture + 30 minute Q&A).
Access to all PowerPoint slides, pdf overviews and exercises with answer keys.
Lifetime access to the recordings and pdf handouts of this and any future digitized iterations of the Verbs Masterclass as I continue to polish and update its content.
The recording of the masterclass will be distributed among Tier 2 and Tier 3 participating members only. If you feel uncomfortable displaying your information, you may use your initials as your Zoom ID and/or keep your camera off during the recording.
My policy:
Classes are non-refundable once a payment is made and cannot be rescheduled. This means that if you miss the masterclass for whatever reason, you cannot make up for it at a later time and no refunds will be issued. However, if you miss the online Zoom session but are a Tier 2 or Tier 3 participant, you are still granted access to the slides, pfd files, and the recording of the masterclass in accordance with the tier benefits outlined above, so you can rewatch it at your own leisure. If extenuating circumstances on my end prevent me from teaching the masterclass, the session will be rescheduled to a later date.
How to apply:
Reply to this email and introduce yourself! I’d love to know more about your background as a Japanese language learner, what you find difficult about verbs, and what you are looking to get out of this masterclass.
Mention which tier you’d like to apply for.
Include your full name and address. I need it to finalize your invoice.
If you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch.
I’m looking forward to your responses!