From 岡本かの子「美少年」
縁日 えんにち festival, fair
賑さ にぎやかさ hustle and bustle, liveliness
酣 たけなわ the height/peak (of)
見世物小屋 みせものごや show booth
鳴もの なりもの (instrumental) music
突貫 とっかん piercing, roaring
虫売 むしうり insect seller
闇 やみ darkness
明滅 めいめつ flickering
As the fair reached the height of its liveliness, with the murmurs of the people, the yelling of the merchants, and the stirring music coming from the show booths, it was as if they were enveloped by the piercing clamor of a battle field. A firefly that likely escaped from the hands of an insect seller flickered as it flew into the darkness across the river.
Nice one, specially fot the ojitos