From 「塵労」芥川龍之介
書肆 しょし bookstore
倚る よる to lean (on/against)
万年筆 まんねんひつ fountain pen
儘 まま unchanged, as is
如何はしい いかがわしい questionable
旁 かたがた while at it, taking advantage of the opportunity
印税 いんぜい royalties
前借 ぜんしゃく advance (on one’s salary/payment)
臍の緒 ほぞのお umbilical cord (more commonly read へそのお)
It was a spring afternoon. I was leaning into a chair in the cramped reception room of a book publisher’s office in order to meet with Tazaki, an acquaintance who worked there.
”To what do I owe this rare pleasure?”
Before long Tazaki appeared, wearing a questionable jacket, looking busy with a fountain pen still wedged behind his ear.
”I wanted to ask you for a favor ― actually, I was thinking I’d get away for a few days and go to Shuzenji or Yugawara to work on my writing….”
I got straight to the point. My collection of short stories was due to be published by his company in the near future. I asked him whether I could bother him for an advance on the royalties of the book ― this was the gist of the conversation.
”I might be able to arrange something ― but going to an onsen sounds extravagant. I’ve never been on any kind of proper trip since they cut my umbilical cord.”